The first family has arrived in Cuba to begin their historic trip of the communist nation. Air Force One touched down in Havana - in the pouring rain - just before 4:30pm ET on Sunday for the visit the White House says will 'deepen' America's relationship with the government following more than half a century of tension. President Obama became the first sitting president in nearly 90 years to visit the island after he flew from Andrews Air Fore base with wife Michelle, daughters Sasha and Malia and the First Lady's mother, Marian Robinson. They will now spend three days on the island. As they left protesters marching against Cuba's human rights record were arrested in Havana. The U.S. president will meet with Cuban dictator Raul Castro during his visit, as well as dissidents of the authoritarian government. He'll also give a televised speech from Havana's national theater, Gran Teatro Alicia Alonso. The president's spokesman on Friday said Obama will not shy away from using his 'bully pulpit' on the trip to address human rights violations in the communist country that the United States was estranged from for more than 50 years.
Daily Mail | 21 March 2016
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