Cambodia: Stop Cover-Up of Political Violence
Fully Investigate Attack by Hun Sen Bodyguards on Members of Parliament
26 May 2016
The Cambodian government should ask
the United Nations to help it carry out a full and independent
investigation into the October 26, 2015 attack on two opposition members
of the National Assembly, Human Rights Watch said today in a new
report. Verdicts in the cases of three members of Prime Minister Hun
Sen’s bodyguard unit who beat two members of the Cambodian National
Rescue Party (CNRP) are scheduled for May 27, 2016.

Dragged and Beaten
The Cambodian Government's Role in the October 2015 Attack on Opposition Politicians
The 61-page report, “Dragged and Beaten: The Cambodian Government’s
Role in the October 2015 Attack on Opposition Politicians,” shows that
the three officials charged in the mob attack were not acting alone. The
ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) transported protesters to the
National Assembly in Phnom Penh a day after Hun Sen threatened to
retaliate against the CNRP for demonstrating against him in Paris.
Police stood by during the assault that inflicted serious injuries on
assemblymen Kong Sophea and Nhay Chamraoen. After the attack, the mob
went to the home of deputy CNRP leader Kem Sokha and threw stones and
menaced those inside.
© 2015 Human Rights Watch
“The prosecution of the three bodyguard unit members for the brazen
and brutal attack only scratches the surface in holding all those
involved responsible,” said Brad Adams, Asia director. “Prosecuting only
three people while blocking investigations into the attack’s other
planners and participants shows a blatant cover-up by the government and
The attack on the opposition parliamentarians had all the hallmarks
of an operation carried out by Cambodian state security forces. Core
participants in the anti-CNRP demonstration were later discovered to be
members of Hun Sen’s Bodyguard Headquarters, whose commanders are all
members of the CPP. In addition, a Bodyguard Headquarters civilian
auxiliary, the Senaneak, led the demonstration. Army commanders linked
to the CPP also orchestrated at least three simultaneous anti-CNRP
demonstrations by armed troops in uniform in the provinces.

Following intensive media coverage of the attack, three so-called
hands-on perpetrators videoed at the scene – Sot Vanny, Mao Houen, and
Chay Sarit – “confessed” to the attack a week later. They stood trial on
April 28 and May 10, for “intentional acts of violence under
aggravating circumstances and intentionally causing damage under
aggravating circumstances,” under articles 218 and 411 of the penal
code. There is no sign of even the beginning of a serious investigation
into others responsible.
Government and military officials initially denied reports by Human
Rights Watch and local media that all were members of Hun Sen’s
personal bodyguard. At trial the defendants admitted being Bodyguard
Headquarters members, but judges blocked questioning by lawyers for the
victims about who ordered them to carry out the attacks.
Senior Cambodian military officers speaking confidentially have
asserted that within government circles, it is widely believed that the
prosecution of these three men alone aims to squelch suspicions of
involvement of “the higher levels” of government in the attack.
“The trial’s limited scope means that evidence about possible
involvement by high-ranking political and military figures is being
ignored,” Adams said. “Donors should denounce a judicial farce that
protects those who planned the October 26 attack and call for an
independent, UN-assisted investigation that gets to the bottom of it.
Otherwise, Cambodia’s downward slide into state-sponsored violence and
one-party rule will accelerate.”
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