[Background / related]
Re: How Both Sides Got Cambodia Wrong [foreign hubris then, Cambodians suffered; foreign hubris now, Cambodians suffer]
The Daily Beast | 4 September 2016
Responding to so-called foreign experts on Cambodia: Commentary by Theary C. Seng
Commentary by Ms. Theary C. Seng -- the misguided non-Cambodians

Trump and the Cambodia analogy -- commentary by Theary C. Seng
Max Lucado is a pastor in San Antonio and a bestselling author of 32 books, including the most recent Glory Days. In a 2004 piece, Christianity Today dubbed Lucado “America’s Pastor,”
alluding to his broad appeal to mainstream Americans. Part of that
appeal can be attributed to his approach to politics: typically, he
stays out of it. He never endorsed or opposed a presidential candidate.
Then Trump happened.'
The title of the article sent a chill down my spine as I thought, Oh
no! Et tu, Max Lucado? I grew up hearing, reading his name and quotes
from authors and friends I deeply
respect, even as I ashamedly have yet to read one of his 32 books. I've
been baffled by Americans--and mortified by Christians!--who support
Trump, and thus my deep apprehension in opening Christianity Today to
read this large, front-page heading.
(I guess I can try to understand in light of the Cambodian situation re
illegal Vietnamese immigration in recent history flowing into the
present. Vietnamese demographic and military colonialization has
reduced Cambodia to a fraction of its size, with the swallowing up of
its territory still in play. The current demographic colonialization
continues with the assistance of a puppet regime that is Hun Sen's CPP.
Ours is an existential issue and at times we have reacted with
repulsive ugliness. Think Lon Nol. Think the Khmer Rouge. What has
not been called-out on to account, however, is the blithe, arrogant,
condescending actions and reactions of the non-Cambodians in all of
this, in pushing the Cambodians to be at times ultra defensive on this
most tactile, life-and-death issue of existence. What is dangerous is
how Cambodians' opinions and experience throughout recent history have
been outright condescendingly dismissed, particularly on the matter of
the inundation of Vietnamese citizens--many, the discarded of their
society, including the criminal elements--into Cambodia as a matter of
political strategy of annexation. The matter would then come into light
for the non-Cambodians after the fact when the situation is already too
late to do much to counter the invidiousness. Their arrogance and
blitheness have blinded and continue to blind the non-Cambodians to the
awaiting atrocity. During the US bombings and years immediately before
KR takeover, many non-Cambodians were so blinded to the rise of the
Khmer Rouge because they expended all their energy, often in the most
self-righteous manner, in condemning the US bombings and policy in
SEAsia to see and hear what Cambodians were seeing, hearing,
experiencing on the ground. Elizabeth Becker was one of the few
non-Cambodians who was level-headed enough to listen to the Cambodian
voices during this period. Immediately after the Khmer Rouge, many
non-Cambodians dismissed refugees' account. Then when this position was
no longer palatable in light of the weight of the evidence (human and
documentation), they all expended their energy on the atrocities of the
Khmer Rouge and refused to listen to Cambodians' fear and experience on
the ground re occupation, what they were seeing, hearing, experiencing
by the occupying forces, to entertain the possibility what occupying
forces would, could do to a country, a people as vulnerable as Cambodia,
Cambodians then, especially an occupying force with a history of
violent annexation and design for further annexation. The impending
atrocities to be committed by this occupying power with a history of
violent annexation: refusing international aid for the barely surviving,
ghost-like Cambodians during the famine of 1979, 1980 -- the 2 years
immediately following KR regime -- the K-5 genocide, murdering and
imprisoning dissenting voices, and the 10 years of occupation rule under
the shroud of darkness with almost complete impunity, ZERO
international scrutiny or concern. And the preparation and design for
colonialization after UNTAC: the Vietnamization of the military and
security forces, civilianizing / "Cambodianizing", e.g. taking on Khmer
names, embedding their military and political advisers into key
ministries and posts, forcing through with their puppet regime unequal
treaties to extract and destroy resources from the Tonle Sap, the
jungles and the sea. We are now seeing, feeling, experiencing clearly
the impact of these unequal treaties of "friendship". I can see how the
Americans and Europeans see the immigration situation as one on a steep
slippery slope or sliding scale, but their situation is NO WHERE CLOSE
to the danger point of the Cambodia situation. And TRUMP is definitely
no answer, except a repulsive one.)
Re the article: my fears were quickly put to rest even if I have only finished the first Q & A with this "America's pastor" with Christianity Today.
Seen and heard on Ms. Theary C. Seng's Facebook accounts:
Well, HengSoy Heng sucks big time when he [actually doesn't exist] and sides with this YUON's racist undersigned as -Drgunzet- ...
ReplyDeleteWill see if this comment gets expunged?
You should have a head Doctor check your Air head.
DeleteShouldn't it start with yours?
Delete5:31 AM,
DeleteHsH can't touch you because you are under KD's posting umbrella unless KD decides to blow your comment away herself...l.ol!!! Cha cha Cha!!!
See this:
Drgunzet lied. There is no skulls stacked high in Cambodia.
ReplyDeleteAh Kouk Hun Sen is the law and the law enforcer in Cambodia. The worst thing is that he is a Yuon's puppet.
ReplyDeleteThe evil Yuon had lost many soldiers during its invasion to conquer Cambodia.
While Khmer Pouch Neak Chambang wanted to liberate Cambodia from YUon Vietnam without losing any people. Keep dreaming Khmer Pouch Neak Chambang.
The key for Cambodia's survival is knowing WHEN to make their ultimate sacrifice.
Personally, I think the right time to sacrifice our life to save Cambodia is when the CNRP won the 2018 election and the CPP refused to relinquish the power.
First step first: stay united to win this next election. Then make a peaceful demonstration demanding the loser CPP to transfer the power.
If the CPP opts to suppress violently the demonstration and kills thousands of people, then the signatories of the 1991 Paris Peace Accord will have no choice but to intervene to help Khmer people one more time.
This time we will not screw thing up like we did in 1993 because AH Prett Sihanouk had already gone to hell.
You lie. Hun Sen is China's puppet, not Vietnam's puppet.
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Delete9:43 AM
DeleteThere's a big difference.
Yuon steal Khmer lands !!!
Why bother to steal land when you can own both the land and the Khmer?
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