Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Saturday, July 12, 2014

From an alien-like structure in Nevada to rainbow mountains in China: Unbelievable travel destinations you never knew existed

At first glance, you'd think these were computer-generated images detailing a fictional planet. But they're actually some of the world's most extraordinary travel locations. The alien-looking Fly Geyser (centre) is a water spring located on a private ranch in Nevada, America, while the multi-coloured Zhangye Danxia (top right) is a set of hills in a Geological Park in Gansu Province, China. The Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska, Juneau, (below) has a fake-looking, bubble wrap-like structure - which has formed over thousands of years. Elsewhere, the Tianzi Mountains (top left) in Zhangjiajie, China, could be the backdrop of a CGI blockbuster, while the yellow fields of Niujie, Luoping, China, (below) look like nowhere else on earth.

Daily Mail | 12 July 2014

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