Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

[Vietnamization] Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia - Vietnamese referred to CAMBODIA'S civilization as that of "border barbarians"

WHY VIETNAM INVADED CAMBODIA: Political Culture and the Causes of War (Stephen J. Morris, Stanford University Press, 1999)

Chapter 1 - Roots of a Conflict: The Vietnamese Communists and the Cambodians, 1930-70

...Sinicized settlers civilization engaged in a perpetual march to the south and west, conquering it's smaller and weaker neighbors and destroying their cultures in the course of colonizing them.


The Vietnamese court mimicked the Chinese in its condescending attitude toward its neighbors. ...the Vietnamese referred to CAMBODIA'S civilization as that of "border barbarians,"... The Cambodian nation was called "the country of the upper barbarians."

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