១២ កញ្ញា ២០១៥ / 12 September 2015 - An inclusive approach to the border issue
នេះ ជាជំហរ របស់ខ្ញុំ ចំពោះ បញ្ហាព្រំដែន និងបូរណភាព ទឹកដី នៃប្រទេសកម្ពុជា៖
១. មិនចោទប្រកាន់ បុគ្គលណា ឬគណបក្ស នយោបាយ ណាមួយឡើយ។
២. មិនឆ្លើយតប ទៅនឹងការ ចោទប្រកាន់ ពីបុគ្គលណា ឬគណបក្ស នយោបាយ ណាមួយឡើយ។
៣. បង្ហាញការពិត គឺ ថា បញ្ហាព្រំដែន និងបូរណភាព ទឹកដី នៃប្រទេស កម្ពុជា មិនមែន ជាជម្លោះ នយោបាយ រវាង ខ្មែរ និងខ្មែរទេ, តែ ជាជម្លោះទឹកដី រវាង ប្រទេស កម្ពុជា និងប្រទេស ជិតខាង។
៤. ខិតខំ ពង្រឹងឯកភាព ជាតិ ដោយជៀសវាង កុំឲ្យខ្មែរ ចាញ់ល្បិច បំបែកបំបាក់ របស់ បរទេស ឈ្លានពាន ដែលញុះញង់ ឲ្យខ្មែរ ឈ្លោះគ្នា ដើម្បី គេ លេបត្របាក់ ទឺកដីយើង ដូចគេ បានធ្វើ រាប់រយឆ្នាំ មកហើយ ក្រោយសម័យ មហា នគរ (សតវត្សរ៍ទី ១២-១៣)។
៥. ខិតខំ រកឯកសារ ជំនាញ និងគំនិត ស្ថាបនា ដើម្បី ជួយការពារ ទឹកដី ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា បច្ចុប្បន្ន ឲ្យបាន គង់វង្ស សម្រាប់ កូនចៅយើង ជំនាន់ក្រោយ រាប់រយឆ្នាំ ទៅមកទៀត។
This is my stance on the border and Cambodia’s territorial integrity issue:
1. Not accusing any individual or any political party of any wrongdoing.
2. Not responding to any accusation from any individual or any political party.
3. Exposing the fact that the border and Cambodia’s territorial integrity issue is not a political dispute among Cambodians but a territorial dispute between Cambodia and some neighbouring countries.
4. Striving to strengthen national unity by preventing Cambodians from falling into the division trap laid by some expansionist countries that want to see Cambodians fight against each other so as to swallow our land as they have done over the last centuries, at a time when the Khmer empire (12th and 13th centuries) started to fall.
5. Striving to collect documents, expertise and constructive ideas in order to help defend and protect Cambodia’s present territory for the Khmer future generations for centuries to come.
Yes Mr. Sam. Make yourself an elusive target is the right way to fight the Yuon's slve, Ah Kwack.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, at the same time, the KI's administrators decide to become the slave of the Yuon slave.
The Doggy KI's administrators have been successfully shutting down Khmer voices around the world.
ReplyDeleteIt is sad to see this kind of "oppression" stemming from these animals.
How much did they pay them to do that?
ទោះជាអ្នកនិយាយយ៉ាងណាក័ខ្ញុំយល់ថាមិនបានការដែរ ព្រោះ ហ៊ុន សែន គេសុខចិត្តឲ្យយួនយកទៅហៀយ រីឯម្យាងទៀត ខ្ញុំឮខ្មែរម្នាក់ៗនិយាយថា រួបរូមគ្នា ៗតែបានត្រឹមតែនិយាយ រីឯបក្យ កើតកាន់តែច្រើន តើនេះរួបរួមគ្នាឬ?? គឺមើលទៅវាអត់ផ្ឡូវទេ វាត្រូវតែរលាយមែនហើយ យួនពេញស្រុកហើយ តែខ្លះគេថាអត់មានយួនទេ តើនេះជាអ្វីទៅ? វាមិនរលាយទេឬយ៉ាងណា?
ReplyDeleteDear All,
ReplyDeleteIn order to solve any problems, we must understand them, the causes and affects
of the problems .
Our enemy uses the old Divide & Conquer, as old as humanity itself.
Unlike what the enemy makes us to believe, Khmers are not fighting Khmers.
Khmers are fighting the sold-out Khmers.
We have been wasting our time and resources dealing with the debtor-in
posession Hun Sen.
To solve Khmer problems, prosecute Hanoi key leaders.
Khmer people need a place to express their opinions freely regarding the situation in Cambodia.
ReplyDeleteThank You Truth2power for allowing Khmer people to do that.
KI must stop helping the Yuon's slave Ah Kwack Hun Sen by removing the ID's requirement from the commentators.
KI should do something good to Cambodia before they go to hell !!
How many Khmer people dare to give their IDs to make comment ?
Ah Kwack might have some people who give IDs to KI and attack (fake attack) Hun Sen to attract the real Khmer nationalists to attack Hun Sen too. But thanks to KI, those Khmer Nationalist could be identified easily.
Therefore, the Asshole KI's administrators must lift that ID's requirement if they did not sell their Airheads to Ah Kwack and Yuon.
You make yourself sounding so smart and very patriotic.
DeleteBut can you be inventive enough to create a few fake ID’s?
Can you, dumb-ass?
7:56 AM
DeleteEven you create a fake ID, you still can be easily traced and identified.
10:33 PM,
ReplyDeleteYou'll be going to hell too, pretty soon if I may add, if you don't quit whining, Okay you Jack ass?
7:56 AM,
ReplyDeleteCan you not, dumb ass?*** in lieu of "Can you, dumb-ass?" LOL!....Just my way of say Hi while agreeing with your suggestion, TOTALLY...Hehe! Take care!
Delete“Can you do this?”
“Can you not do this?”
I don’t know you tell me which one proper?
Personally, I don't even think that this mule @10:33AM is worth a dime. Do you?
ReplyDeleteI understand what you meant; he is just a pest like the yuon Drgunzet/Mike.
Delete7:48 AM, 8:15AM
ReplyDeleteHow much did they pay your dumb heads to crack down on any Khmers who wanted to express their concern about their motherland?
Why Heng Soy did not require commentators' IDs like you assholes? What is the secret behind that requirement?
Keep it up; you are on the right track.
DeleteIt won’t be long your ID is required to comment here.