Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

An Asia Summit Meeting Is Overshadowed by Scalia

An Asia Summit Meeting Is Overshadowed by Scalia

International New York Times | 15 February 2016


“At this summit, we can advance our shared vision of a regional order where rules and norms, including freedom of navigation, are upheld, and where disputes are resolved through peaceful, legal means,” Mr. Obama said at Sunnylands... [Attn Vietnam re Cambodia]

But the nations are divided over how hard to push back on China. Maritime countries like the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia, which see China as threatening their sovereignty, favor a more aggressive approach. Other nations, like Cambodia and Laos, which have close trade ties with China, are reluctant to risk an open confrontation. That divide is likely to play out in the statement, which will probably embrace broad principles but avoid specific references to Beijing. ...

But several leaders brought unsavory reputations with them. Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha of Thailand seized power in a coup in May 2014. Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia has ruled with an iron hand since 1985. When Cambodian-Americans began organizing protests timed to his visit, he warned that pro-government forces would carry out demonstrations against the political opposition at home.

“We reject that type of effort to intimidate, and have similarly expressed concern over threats made to opposition figures inside the country,” said Benjamin J. Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser. On Monday morning, a few hundred people gathered in a parking lot to protest several of the leaders.

Read complete article

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Scalia was a bad Supreme Court Justice judge.
    He was supposed to rule on a case in which Dick Cheney was the Defendant, and yet Scalia and Cheney spent a whole weekend hunting together ! And later Scalia dismissed the case.
