Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Hun Sen Instructs Ministers to Form Facebook Working Groups

Hun Sen Instructs Ministers to Form Facebook Working Groups

 Cambodia Daily | 9 February 2016
Prime Minister Hun Sen has fast developed a penchant for conducting political business via Facebook since he formally joined the social networking site in September.
Now he is making that official, issuing a new directive on Monday in­structing every government minister to form a working group for tracking citizens’ grievances and re­quests that they post to his Facebook page.
The working groups must forward daily reports about Facebook complaints directly to the relevant minister’s office, and those issues must be resolved, Mr. Hun Sen ordered.
“In order to know people’s re­quests in a timely fashion, please, sam­dechs, his excellencies and her ex­cellencies, assign working groups to track down and make dai­ly reports on any requests from the people that have been sent to the prime minister’s web page, then respond and solve them for peo­ple in a timely fashion,” the directive said.

He called the new Facebook initiative “an important affair” that re­quired all of the country’s ministers and provincial leaders to “pay at­ten­tion” to the social networking site.

On Friday, Mr. Hun Sen told an au­dience of graduating students that he received mountains of com­plaints from people on his Face­book page, and was having trouble keeping up.

“Do not underestimate the is­sue,” he warned government officials. “Any issue that affects the people’s interests is not a small issue,” [as he tried to keep a straight face for the non-Khmer audience, for effect breathlessly breathing fire of passion for the plebes.  However, this double entendre was perfectly understood by the Khmer audience: "Any issue that affects the people's interests is not a small issue for our Big Brother to the East, my regime's Master]

He singled out Health Minister Mam Bun Heng for praise, recounting how Mr. Bun Heng had noticed a Facebook complaint about the fee for the entrance examination for the University of Health Sciences and im­mediately informed the prime minister. Mr. Hun Sen then an­nounced on the spot that the price for the test would be reduced from about $125 to about $25.

The push to monitor Facebook ap­pears to be part of a broader ef­fort to bolster the CPP’s popularity in advance of critical commune elections in 2017. The ruling party was surprised at the 2013 national election by an insurgent CNRP that harnessed the power of social me­dia and took advantage of widespread discontent with corruption and a lack of transparency in the government.

Kem Ley, an analyst who helped found the Khmer for Khmer political network, said that although be­ing responsive to people’s concerns was a good start, the government needed to embark on more fundamental institutional reforms before it could count on success at the ballot box.

“It’s better than ignoring people’s opinions,” he said. “But…the best way to gain popularity is to con­duct in-depth reform of various institutions.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:26 AM

    មើលទៅ ខ្មែរអើយ រដ្ឋាភិបាលឆ្កួតបង្កើតទ័ព ធ្វើសង្រ្គាមជាមួយក្មេងៗ តាមហ្វេសប៊ុក មកពីអ្វីតើបងប្អូនដឹងទេ? គឺវាឡប់ម៉ែនហើយ បញ្ហាមិនចេះដោះស្រាយ តែមកចង់បិទមាត់ក្មេងៗមិនឲ្យនិយាយពីអំពើអាក្រក់របស់ខ្លួន ចង់តែសើចទេ ចាំមើលទៅកូនក្មេងវាឈប់ទេ ប្រហែលលើសមុនផង យួនពេញស្រុកមិនឲ្យគេនិយាយ ហា ហា​អត់មានយួន ដល់ពេលភ្លើងឆេះផ្ទះ ឮថាសុទ្ធតែផ្ទះ យួន ដល់អញ្ចឹងក្មេងជេរវាខុសឬ?
    មើលទៅនៅបឹងទន្លេសាបចុះ សុំខ្មាសវើយ ត្រង់ណាក៍ចយដឹកអើយដែរ ខំលាក់បាំងទៅ ហើយចោទថាក្មេង ជាអ្នកបង្កើតរឿងទៅ រឿងពិតកូនខ្មែរដឹងច្បាស់ណាស់ បានគេជេរមិនខ្លាចពួក អារដ្ឋាភិបាលឡប់ៗដូច្នេះនេះ។
