Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Monday, April 4, 2016

Kicked Back to Cambodia: Should Immigrants Who Commit Crimes Be Deported?

Should Immigrants Who Commit Crimes Be Deported?

 Journeyman Pictures | 22 March 2016

Kicked Back to Cambodia: Cambodians from Australia and the US are being sent to a country their parents fled, but which they’ve never called home.

1 comment:

  1. Is this the proof of reincarnation? If I were to answer this would be resounding yes. Perhaps not so in a Buddhist mind and beliefs...its injustice instead.

    It seem that their much weird appearances contributed to their stigma by the locals. But at the same time, this is becoming more normal in Cambodia ghetto.

    Destroy the family structure you destroyed a nation. So go ahead and bless the homosexual marriage and disorder will follow suit. Did I read US government has given some $170.000 to promote abomination lifestyle in Cambodia? Yet, these deportees are given nothing to start their new life in their original country.
