Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Friday, April 22, 2016

Cambodia Fares Better for Freedom of Press

Cambodia Fares Better for Freedom of Press

 Cambodia Daily | 22 April 2016

Journalists in Cambodia are more free to do their job than they were last year, according to Reporters Without Borders’ 2016 World Press Freedom Index, but those who cover illegal logging and human trafficking in the fishing industry still face a high level of risk.
Cambodia is ranked 128 out of 180 countries for press freedom—11 places higher than its position in the 2015 index, which uses indicators such as censorship, pluralism and media independence to produce its annual index.
Unsurprisingly, the headline for Cambodia’s summary in the findings is “Illegal logging off limits,” and Reporters Without Borders (RSF), a Paris-based nonprofit, notes that covering environmental topics remains dangerous.
“Journalists can pay a high price for trying to cover illegal logging, trafficking in connection with the fish industry or trafficking in other natural resources,” it says.
Last year, Cambodia was rated the deadliest country on earth for journalists covering environmental issues by RSF, who in a November report called attention to the four environmental crusaders (three reporters and an activist) murdered here since 2010.

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