Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

CNRP Distances Itself From Threatened Social Media Activist

Asked Sunday why the party has sought to distance itself from Ms. Sovantha, two CNRP spokespeople—Ms. Monovithya and party spokesman Yim Sovann—gave disparate answers [possibly from jealousy of Ms. Sovantha's popularity even after being forced to move out from I Love Cambodia Hot News, now that Ms. Kem and her sister, using their father's connection and CNRP position, have appropriated the very popular I Love Cambodia Hot News, helped made popular by Ms. Sovantha??].
Theary Seng with CNRP youth activist Thy Sovantha (photo: Kon Khmer)
CNRP Kem Monovithya Distances Itherself From Threatened Social Media Activist
The Cambodia Daily | 3 Feb. 2014

The opposition CNRP’s deputy public affairs director, Kem Monovithya, posted a statement to her official Facebook account on Saturday distancing the party from Thy Sovantha, a 19-year-old opposition activist with a large social media following, announcing that Ms. Sovantha was “not involved” with the CNRP.

Last week, Ms. Sovantha was the target of death threats after her passport application, which included her home address, was posted on Facebook. She claims that the document was leaked by immigration police at the Ministry of Interior’s passport office.

The CNRP statement posted by Ms. Monovithya was made in response to a post on Ms. Sovantha’s Facebook page, which has almost 200,000 followers, claiming that CNRP President Sam Rainsy had filed a lawsuit against Prime Minister Hun Sen with the International Criminal Court (ICC) for alleged crimes against humanity.

“The CNRP would like to clarify that Ms. Thy Sovantha is not involved with the CNRP,” the statement reads. “Mr. Sam Rainsy as well as the CNRP has not filed a lawsuit yet,” it continues, adding that a team of lawyers is still collecting evidence in the case.

Ms. Sovantha said Sunday that she did not know why the CNRP took pains to publicly separate itself from her.

“I don’t know whether other people are trying to split me [from the party] or defame me or what,” she said.

Ms. Sovantha was a prominent figure on the CNRP campaign trail before July’s election and has remained one of the party’s most high-profile youth activists, leading chants from her Lexus SUV during protest marches and regularly posting news updates, featuring herself, at demonstrations and other opposition events.

Asked Sunday why the party has sought to distance itself from Ms. Sovantha, two CNRP spokespeople—Ms. Monovithya and party spokesman Yim Sovann—gave disparate answers [possibly from jealousy, now that Ms. Kem, using her father's connection and CNRP position, has appropriated the very popular I Love Cambodia Hot News, helped made popular by Ms. Sovantha??].

Ms. Monovithya, the daughter of CNRP Vice President Kem Sokha, said that the CNRP decided to issue a statement naming Ms. Sovantha “because we saw the information on her page,” adding that the main purpose of the statement was to clarify that the party had not yet filed a complaint with the ICC.

However, Mr. Sovann said that the statement referring to Ms. Sovantha posted by Ms. Monovithya was fake, pointing out that the authentic version, also issued Saturday and posted to the party’s website, made no specific reference to Ms. Sovantha.

Asked why there were two versions of the statement, Mr. Sovann declined to comment.

One of Ms. Sovantha’s fans, in response to the CNRP’s statement posted to Ms. Monovithya’s Facebook account, said he was disappointed by the announcement.

“[T]he second letter upsets many CNRP’s supporters who truly love Thy Sovantha since she has been very active for CNRP so far,” wrote a Facebook user named Chin Vary.


  1. Anonymous1:28 AM

    We do not see the need on CNRP's part to make any comment or make known its position about a private comment posted on Facebook. It seems trivial that CNRP resorted to this. What discussed out side of CNRP tutelage is non of CNRP's business.

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      You are the most stupid Vietnamese/Yuon trash with no brain in the world. You are living in other country like Cambodia, USA or your Vietnam so comfortably that you still show your nonsense mindset. You are bullshitting and your brain still has a lot of damage because your Yuon/Vietcong bastards injected your brain.

      Khmer Yeurng

  2. Anonymous1:32 AM

    It's truly that Ms. Kim is jealous with Ms. Sovantha.

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      You are so stupid to say that. You need to learn how to say it right. You show your own stupidity and you have not learn. Are you Yuon/Vietnamese? Yes, you are when it comes to your nonsense and stupid comment coming your stupid brain.

  3. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Mr Kem sokha to say complaint about Hun Sen families. Now look Mr kem didn't have power yet and he do the same as Hun sen. I see Ms sovantha is a stand up girl and she work so hard for CNRP and now some one frighten to kill her and CNRP also kick her from the back.My question to all CNRP
    is it fair for her? and what's CNRP stand for? Hun Sen is still there and you start that? what 's CNRP said didn't hate any one or CNRP have more people already and don't need that two or three girl no more and i don't think she post that by her create it. I think some one in cnrp said that.

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      You are bullshitting, right? Yes, you are a Yuon/Vietnamese bullshitter. You have shown your nonsense and not making any sense. You are so dumb and dumb enought your stupidity. Where are you from? The answer is you are from the trashy and cheapest nation, Yuon/Vietnam. Yes, you are the most stupid Vietnamese folk on earth.

      Khmer Yeurng

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Take a look at your comment. You topped at everything against the claims you put on others.

      To follow blindly in any direction, is the most deadly form of brainwash. I won't hesitate to point it out when I see it both from CPP and CNRP people.

  4. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Srok Khmer she belong to all Khmer who can take a good care of her. She's not belong To Hun Sen, Sam Rainsy, Kem Sokha or any group or clan. Any Khmer person he or she can take care Khmer people and protect our land from any invasion by enemies yes we support.

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      Bullshit! You are a real Yuon/Vietnam trash sitting behind the computer because your comment tell that us all. You are so dumb and dumb enough to show your stupidity.

      Khmer Yeurng

  5. Anonymous4:43 AM

    I'll change my mind again to support CPP if they start to work for ALL Khmer people not Yuon and Siam. CNRP start to flip flops more often NOW, can we all trust THEM after they GOT THE POWER???

    1. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Bullshit! You are a real Yuon because your comment tell that us all. You are so dumb and dumb enough to show your stupidity. Do you agree?

      Khmer Yeurng

  6. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Kroch ning pone, doch tae knia teh. Krousar niyum, pak puok niyum rohote torl tae roleay srok Khmer kor nov tae min chob dae. George Orwell's Animal Farm is so timeless. The poor Cambodians seems to have no choice between good and evil leader. They could only choose between evil and lesser evil.

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      What are you talking about? You are making no sense.

      Khmer Yeurng

  7. Anonymous1:29 PM

    First, it's very hard to control who said what with all the social media. It's important to have a unify voice, one voice.

    Ms. Sovantha jumped the gun. She spoke about things too soon, without the party's permission. I'm referring to the statement that CNRP is filing law suit concerning Hun Sen with ICC.

    Seems like CNRP is only bluffing about the law suit with ICC. It only use the law suit to threat Hun Sen. CNRP really had no intention of ever filing with the ICC. So when Ms Sovantha said things that CNRP bluff as the truth, CNRP had to distance itself.

    The reason CNRP puts Kem Sokha's daughters in charge of Cambodia's Hot News is for control of the confidential information being put out.

  8. សូមឲ្យក្មួយស្រីសុវណ្ណថាត្រូវចាប់ជាមួយមិត្តចាស់ក្មួយៗឲ្យកាន់តែណែន ហើយនាំគ្នាក្តោកឈរឡើងប្រ
    ឆាំងនិងអំពើរការិយ័លនិយមនិងសន្តវង្សការិយ៉ាល័យនិយម របស់មេផ្ដាច់ការនិយមទោះជានៅក្នុង
    រូបភាពណាក៏ដោយ ក្នួយស្រិមិនត្រូវបន្ទន់ជាដាច់ខាត ទាំងគំនិត ទាំងសតិអារម្មណ៍ព្រមទាំងកាយវា
    ចារ មិនត្រូវចុះចាញ់ជាដាច់ខាត។បញ្ចប់សុំឲ្យក្មួយបានទទួលនូវភាពយុត្តិធ៌ម និងស្គាល់ពន្លឺសេរីភាព
    ពិតប្រាកដ ព្រមទាំងបានទទួលព្រះពរពីព្រះពុទ្ធ ទាំងប្រាំប្រការគឺអាយុ វណ្ណ: សុខ: ពល:និងបដិភាន:
    កុំបីឃ្លាតឃ្លារឡើយ។ហើយសូមឲ្យដួងប្រលឹងនិងវិញ្ញាណរបស់វីរនារីឌៀប វណ្ណារាស្ថិតនៅក្នុងដួងវិញ្ញាណ
    វរយុវតីបាតុករជានិច្ច មានកញ្ញាធី​សុវណ្ណថាជាគំរូ។សូមអរគុណ!

  9. Anonymous7:49 PM

    រឿងរាវកញ្ញា ធី សុវណ្ណថា មាន ៖
    ១. ពីមុន… ! យើងទទួលស្គាល់ថានាងសកម្មស្នេហា ជាតិឥតខ្ចោះ !
    ២. ឥឡូវនេះ… ! បើតាមការសង្កេតឃើញដូចជា … ???
    ៣. ទៅឣនាគត…! គ្មានឣ្នកណាម្នាក់ ធានាឣះឣាងថា ដូចមុនបានឡើយ !
    ដូច្នេះចាំមើលទាំងឣស់គ្នា…! ថាតើ នាង លោតចូលទូកណា ? ទូក CPP ឬមិនមែនCPP ?
    … KEO Rémy, SUTH Dina & Sokun Melea, and so on … ធ្លាប់លេងឆាកល្ខោននេះ រួចម្តងមកហើយ !!!

  10. Anonymous10:17 PM

    What Thy Sovantha posted on her Face Book was her private comment. Since she is not representing CNRP, her comment is private just like any one of you comments on the internet. Thy Sovanthat has a right to freedom of expression. What CNRP (represented by Kem Monovithya) did was unnecessary. They did not need the clarify any thing since they did not make that statement about a law suit is being filed with ICC. Thy Sovantha might have been mis-informed but so what she has the right to post any comment on her Face Book. Reference to an article in the Cambodia Daily, it seems odd that Monovithya directed reader to opinion on Mr. Pon Lork who without any evidence or cause accused Thy Sovantha of being a Spy! Monovithya who presumably grew up in the USA, should know better.

  11. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Kem Monovithya does not have the culture, attitude, and maturity to bond or to connect with the vast majority of Cambodian youth supporters of CNRP. CNRP leadership should think twice about promoting Kem Sokha's daughter as a sole Cambodian-Flag-Bearer for democracy by overstepping other youths whose comittment to the cause of Cambodian Spring is evident. CNRP should know that this is huge and should do PR damage control at the highest level. Mr. Sam Sam Rainsy needs to make public comment about this scandal.

  12. Anonymous1:06 AM

    ឈរ សើចស្ញេញ ឲ្យគេថត ឣាចទៅជា woman Hero ស្មើសម រង្ស៊ី ឣញ្ចឹង...!!!

    Timeline Photos
    Hero Sam Rainsy & woman Hero Kem Monovithya
    by: I Love Cambodia Hot News II

  13. Anonymous11:12 PM

    បងប្ឣូន តូចធំ ក្មេងចាស់ ជាទីរាប់ឣាន … !
    កញ្ញា ធី សុវណ្ណថា មានឣយុទើបតែ ១៩ ឆ្នាំ ! សូមឣស់លោកតាមដាននាងឲ្យទាន់... ប្រយ័ត្នឣត់យល់ … !!!
