Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Responding to Vietnamization with FIRM, PEACEFUL speech and action

Theary C. Seng chairing ANSA-EAP Board meeting in Bali (May 2014)

Re: Sam Rainsy videos - Security forces wielding batons and other weapons chased down demonstrators of youth, monks in front of Vietnamese Embassy

We Cambodians in our violent, ugly rant against Vietnamese PEOPLE living illegally in Cambodia have lost almost all credibility to speak about REAL, URGENT territorial annexation and predatory POLICIES (airlines, ICT, to name but two).

We must learn to distinguish between the AGGRESSIVE, PREDATORY POLICY of Vietnam via its puppet Hun Xen and the CPP and the Vietnamese PEOPLE, often poor and tools of their government in flooding Cambodia, not unlike in a narrow sense the Jews flooding Palestine.

The way to deal with illegal immigration is not the way of the Burmese monks against the Rohyingas. ALWAYS, and ANYWHERE, VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE ANSWER.

Rather than expend the negative, aggressive energy against PEOPLE, work to remove this ILLEGAL HUN SEN government AND DEVELOP THE MIND (like the Singaporeans, like the Jews) as well as the HEART.

We must do away with ugly speech, which means, LEARN NEW VOCABULARY to lessen the urge for speech of emotion.

New vocabulary will allow speech from the MIND and less from the emotional heart.

New vocabulary (LEARNING which is both formal education and reflected experiences) WITH wisdom of the heart will broaden the needed ability to put thoughts and ideas which are struggling with us now for expression.

When we are frustrated with injustice and lack the ability to communicate ideas and to parse concepts, it's not then surprising that we should resort to our base nature, our venting, as human nature is already inclined in that direction.

Learning and reflection, will not necessarily assure, but at least can help to stem our base nature. 

Seen and heard at:

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