Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Sunday, October 25, 2015

John Stott (speaking at Harvard): EVANGELISM vs. PROSELYTISM

It’s quite an interesting debate as to what the difference is between “to evangelize” and “to proselytize”

But I think you can find it in three things. 

One, is in our MOTIVES.  The motives of evangelism are good motives, they are seeking the glory of Christ, that he should be given the honor that is due to him.  In proselytism, our motives are often false; we are triumphalistic; we’re wanting glory to our church, to ourselves, to our denomination, to our agency, whatever it may be.  And it’s when motives are skewed that evangelism becomes proselytism.

Secondly, it’s the question of METHODS.  What method do we use in evangelism?  Now, whenever you’re using any kind of inducement, if you’re offering, say, in the Third World, you’re offering to feed the hungry IF they will accept Christ.  That is FALSE inducement

Or, if you’re using psychological pressure techniques, even warning people, you know, they’re going to hell if they don’t.  You can even twist that into our psychological pressure technique.  That’s a false method. 

Our only method is to make known the good news as honestly, fully, acceptably as we possibly can, and commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. 

That we reject all underhand and disgraceful ways.

So, our methods are different, our motives are different.  Maybe I will add a third: our MESSAGE is different.  In proselytism, you’re speaking AGAINST other religions, AGAINST other ideology.  In evangelism, you’re only speaking for Jesus Christ and uplifting Him.

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