[Background / related]

It would not be fair and balanced if I failed to mention that support for the Khmer Rouge [no, it was a position of lesser of two evils (1) support for Cambodian democratic resistance forces led by Sihanouk and Son Sann, (2) anti-Vietnamese invasion and occupation. Different emphasis: Singapore, aware of its vulnerable size, anti-invasion/occupation; US still smarting from losing war, anti-Vietnam] became the position of Democratic and Republican politicians (including human rights champion Jimmy Carter and staunch anti-Communist Ronald Reagan) for a dozen years after Vietnam won a brief war against Cambodia in January 1979

How Both Sides Got Cambodia Wrong
was there a finer example of ideologues seeing what they wanted to see
than the era of Cambodian genocide. Only Orwell, prescient as ever, got
it right.
The Daily Beast | 4 September 2016
Such an accurate claim is not inconsistent with the claim that the Khmer Rouge was engaged in genocide. The greatest challenge for any person with strongly held political views is to accept or at least be open to knowledge that contradicts our most deeply held views. Most of the time we fail.
Schanberg, who died in July, was an award winning journalist who covered the
Vietnam War and genocides in East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and Cambodia. Perhaps
more than any other reporter, Schanberg made western publics aware of the
terrible suffering the people of Cambodia endured under the
three-and-a-half-year reign of the Khmer Rouge (1975-1979). Disregarding the
wishes of his editors at the New York Times, Schanberg stayed on after other
westerners had left Phnom Penh as the Khmer Rouge approached the city. He was
forced out of Cambodia not long after the Khmer Rouge took power, but before
departing he witnessed the forced evacuation of the capital and largest city in
Cambodia as well as executions by officials of the deposed government.
Pran, Schanberg’s Cambodian assistant, translator, and friend, was forced to
remain in the country and endured the reign of terror of the Khmer Rouge
government. Dozens of members of his extended family including his four
siblings were killed between 1975 and 1979. Dith survived the Khmer Rouge era
and was eventually reunited with Schanberg who wrote a book based on Dith’s
experiences. The book was the basis for the 1984 Academy Award winning film,
The Killing Fields, which did much to make the broader U.S. public aware of the
terrible atrocities that had occurred in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge.
many Americans have some general knowledge of the crimes of the Khmer Rouge
government, the extent of the genocide committed by the Cambodian Communists is
worth recalling. Scholars estimate that between 1.5 and two million
people—between a fifth and a quarter of the population—were killed or perished
from starvation and disease that were a direct result of the severe privations
that the Khmer Rouge imposed on the country.
Among those especially targeted for persecution were Buddhist Monks,
Cambodian Muslims, Cambodians of Chinese or Vietnamese ethnicity, people with
foreign ties, and those associated with the regime of former American-backed
dictator Lon Nol, who governed from 1970 to 1975 [or, in other word, EVERYONE].
In his
much praised essay, Notes on Nationalism, George Orwell asserted that the
nationalist [patriot] “does not only not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own
side, he has a remarkable capacity to not even hear about them.” Orwell
employed an unusually broad definition of nationalism that included not only
allegiance to country or race, but also religion and political ideology. He
goes on to illustrate the point about the myopia of the nationalists by
castigating the English admirers of the Nazis who had somehow remained unaware
of Dachau and Buchenwald and those who sympathized with the Bolsheviks and
managed not to know about the famine in Ukraine. Orwell’s insights explain much
of the reaction to the reports of genocide in Cambodia that emerged during the
years the Khmer Rouge was in power.
fall of the Lon Nol regime to the communist Khmer Rouge and the reports of
atrocities and incredible hardship that emerged from Cambodia shortly
thereafter and continued until the Khmer Rouge was ousted by the invading
Vietnamese army in January 1979, created difficult moral and even cognitive
quandaries for those who had opposed the long war that the United States waged
in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
Supporters of U.S. military actions in the region had justified their
position, in part, by arguing that if the communists took power in the region,
horrific human rights violations would occur.
Cambodia horrific abuses of human rights were occurring and American hawks were
claiming that they had been right all along.
Scholars, activists, and politicians on the left in the U.S. had a variety of reactions to the tyrannical
rule of the Khmer Rouge. Few shared the suggestion of former presidential
candidate South Dakota Democratic Senator George McGovern that international
intervention was required to stop the genocide. By 1978 McGovern, long one of
the leading anti-war voices in the mainstream of American politics, was calling
for a military force to oust the murderous Khmer Rouge regime. Few American
politicians of either major had any desire to intervene in Cambodia just years
after the wars there ended in defeat for the United States, and McGovern’s
suggestion was never seriously considered by government officials.
world famous MIT linguistics professor Noam Chomsky has, since the ’60s, been
the most prolific radical critic of U.S. foreign policy. Chomsky was among the
most influential left wing intellectual opponents of the U.S. military action
in Southeast Asia in the ’60s and ’70s. Writing about the events in Cambodia in
the latter half of the ’70s with co-author Edward Herman, Chomsky accused the
American media and scholars who reported on the killings committed by the Khmer
Rouge of producing atrocity propaganda. The authors claimed that the mainstream
were all too eager to accept, without adequate evidence, claims about horrible
deeds that were attributed to the Khmer Rouge. Chomsky and Herman made the
indisputable claim that conservatives would use reports about abuses occurring
in Cambodia to claim that they had been right all along about the Vietnam War.
To this day, Chomsky claims he was simply assessing the evidence available at
the time.
later described Sidney Schanberg, for his reporting of the crimes of the Khmer
Rouge and for what Chomsky claims was his negligence in reporting the deadly
impact of the massive U.S. bombing of Cambodia in the early ’70s, as a person
of utter depravity. (Schanberg was criticized by some on the right for what
they regarded as his overly critical reporting of the impact of American
bombing and the corruption of the Lon Nol government). Chomsky and Herman were
far less critical of accounts of post-1975 Cambodia that described an
enlightened and humane polity. They praised George Hildebrand and Gareth
Porter’s now discredited book, discussed below, as a carefully researched work
that demonstrated the successes of the new regime in overcoming the devastating
results American military action had on Cambodia as it became a sideshow in the
Vietnam War.
Much of
the early evidence for the human rights abuses committed by the Khmer Rouge
were from accounts gathered from refugees who had fled to Thailand. Like some
other skeptics of the atrocity accounts about Cambodia, Chomsky and Herman were
hesitant to rely on refugees because they are by nature dissatisfied people [Huh??!].
Finally, Chomsky and Herman were sympathetic to the argument of Michael Vickery
that many of those who fled wished to avoid the rigorous work routine imposed
by the Khmer Rouge. Of course, no one could deny that there was a rigorous work
regime imposed by the communists in Cambodia.
the most prominent defenders of the Khmer Rouge were George Hildebrand and
Gareth Porter, scholars and activists known for their fierce opposition to the
to the Vietnam war. In their book, Cambodia:
Starvation and Revolution, published a year after the Khmer Rouge came
to power, Porter and Hildebrand defended the forced evacuation of the cities as
an effort to bring the people closer to the food supply and the emptying of
urban hospitals as an attempt to improve health care. Criticism of the human
rights record of the Khmer Rouge was dismissed as the standard knee jerk
attacks that the capitalist press would launch on a socialist regime. Readers
were informed that universal suffrage was in place for the elections held in
March 1976, a technically true if highly misleading claim. In congressional
testimony in 1977, Porter again claimed there was little evidence for the
atrocity claims emerging from Cambodia and presented a generally positive view
of life under the Khmer Rouge.
were many more academic and activist supporters of the Khmer Rouge in the West
during its years in power than can be mentioned in this essay. Many Marxists in
the U.S. and Europe were enthused by the Cambodian Communists’ delinking of the
nation from the global capitalist economy, its coerced egalitarianism, and its
stated goal of a very direct path to communism. Under the Khmer Rouge, Cambodia
had no currency, private property, or markets. Reports of human rights abuses
were dismissed as imperialist propaganda. For some observers, it was a question
of what was there not to like?
would not be fair and balanced if I failed to mention that support for the Khmer
Rouge [no, it was a position of (1) for Cambodian democratic resistance forces led by Sihanouk and Son Sann, (2) anti-Vietnamese invasion and occupation -- different emphasis: Singapore, aware of its vulnerable size, anti-invasion/occupation; US still smarting from losing war, anti-Vietnam) became the position of Democratic and Republican politicians (including
human rights champion Jimmy Carter and staunch anti-Communist Ronald Reagan)
for a dozen years after Vietnam won a brief war against Cambodia in January
1979 and sent the Khmer Rouge scurrying to outposts on the fringes of the
country. Because Vietnam was allied with the Soviet Union and the Khmer Rouge
was allied with China, the Cambodian communists were considered preferable to
the Vietnamese who had ended the genocide in Cambodia. The United States condemned the Vietnamese
invasion and was one of the countries that enabled the Khmer Rouge to keep the
country’s seat at the United Nations until the Cold War ended with the collapse
of the Soviet Union in 1991.
academics and activists who defended the Khmer Rouge, or those like Chomsky who
were skeptical and even scornful of those who reported on the killings
committed by the regime in Cambodia, argued correctly that such reports would
be used by those who had supported the American aerial bombardment of Cambodia
that killed hundreds of thousands of Cambodians to justify their position. Such
an accurate claim is not inconsistent with the claim that the Khmer Rouge was
engaged in genocide. The greatest challenge for any person with strongly held
political views is to accept or at least be open to knowledge that contradicts
our most deeply held views. Most of the time we fail.
Here is a sample of -Drgunzet- 's racial coment already on T2P:
Anonymous 4:50 AM
I used to tutor the Khmer students in college. Oh man, these student were so dense, near level of retardation. Then I realized, they were born into families who suffered a lot under Khmer Rouges.
After I spent a stupendous effort to tutor them over the freshman year, they all dropped out, "Thank you, but college is not for us. When you are not around, we will fail."
Not only I did the homework for them, I explained them how to do the homework. But they lacked the ability to self-learn.
Not only I gave them fish, but I also taught these students how to fish. But they worried when the fishing pole broke, I would not be around to make them a new fishing pole.
8:57 pm
DeleteYes, T2P is now infected by the lunatic Yuon troller DrFuck-it !!!!
UN: Create conflicts and offer solutions
ReplyDeleteSatan is the one who brought about human rights violation. And after that the fallen angels, who taught men to sin against themselves and their Creator.
Satan is the god of this world system--the UN is part of his kingdom system. So if the UN wants to put a stop to all human sufferings they must put Satan on trial. But will the UN fight against itself? A kingdom divided cannot stand. All world governments are rule by some sort of demonic powers from heavenly places. Pol Pot was ruled by a spirit to do what he did. Communism is a spirit, Democracy is a spirit. There are 70 demonic spirits who are in charge of world governments. Why is that you may ask? Because the people chose them to be their rulers. Buddhism is a spirit [not a true spirit but a lying spirit].
The UN emblem has 70 stars surrounding the pyramid with an eye [70 stars represent the 70 cosmic spirits] Past year was the 70 years of the UN establishment. I reject the UN because it is based on LIES. However, they do use good deeds to disguised their evil intention. Yes, they even use Bible verses to cover their cloak of darkness, just like the devil uses the Scripture to tempt Mother Eve, (Havah).
"Not only I gave them fish, but I also taught these students how to fish. But they worried when the fishing pole broke, I would not be around to make them a new fishing pole."
Tell the US government not to take so much of my poor earn money so I can buy a fishing pole. I'm paying penalty for not having ObamaCare, I could use that money to self-help my own well-being instead of trusting hi-tech doctor that care not about my health.
ReplyDeleteThe racist Viet/Yuon known as -Drgunzet- is in the house, T2P!
To Khmer people:
ReplyDeleteCan you wake up and do a peaceful march demanding Ah Kouk Hun Sen government to find the killers of D. Kem Ley?
To save Cambodia from this evil Yuon Vietnam, Khmer people need to change the way they have been behaving by doing something right for Cambodia.
For example, Dr. Key Ley had sacrificed his life for Khmer people and Cambodia. They need to do something back for Dr. Kem Ley and for Cambodia.
Ah Kouk Hun Sen will never find the real killers of Dr. Kem Ley if Khmer people opt to stay quite like dead people.
Kem Ley deserved to die. He betrayed CNRP, split the Opposition, was going to steal votes from CNRP. When Kem Sokha holed up in the headquarter and Sam Rainsy was in exile, Kem Ley took advantage of the situation. He went around the country to visit the people, "See, I am around, they are not. I am with the people, and they are not."
DeleteSam Rainsy already announced Kem Ley's intention to merge GDP into CNRP right after Kem Ley was shot dead. But Sam Rainsy did not reveal the dark secret: Kem Ley wanted to become the leader of the merged party.
So, Kem Ley created enemies in both side, the Government and the Opposition. And that's why he is dead. Since both sides can blame each other, Kem Ley became an easy target.
In Cambodian politic, if you are CNRP, the Government would not dare to kill you, but only jail you. If you are CNRP's enemy, the Opposition can only spread lies, propaganda against you (such as Hun Manet was the son of a Vietnamese, no Mr. Hun Sen).
Anyway, Kem Ley was fat and corrupted. He is good riddance.
Anonymous6:28 AM, you are undeniably a lunatic! We know who you are, already...
DeleteAfter many years later, I've figured out how to teach the Khmer students to also know how to make fishing poles in addition to how to fish. But I am not going to teach them.
ReplyDeleteGo to Youtube and search for clips with Cambodian students fighting. Oh man, it's terrible. No teaching until you learn to be civilized.
I hate Yuon troller drFuck-it.
ReplyDeleteI am out of here.
I'll try Khmer Circle, maybe I
like it there.