Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Kem Sokha and The Thick Wooden Throne: Temporarily or for good? -- part 16

Image may contain: 13 people, people standing

Part 2: Kem Sokha and The Thick Wooden Throne
Image may contain: 9 people
Image may contain: 5 people
Image may contain: 5 people, people sitting
Image may contain: 5 people, outdoor
Kem Sokha is often seen seated alone in a thick wooden throne on stage, something that you hardly or never see Sam Rainsy doing.  The more vacuous a person, the more props he needs to fill the emptiness.
But now with Tioulong Saumura there, at least he's in the same row as other CNRP leaders and they're not in plastic chairs.
- Theary C. Seng
Image may contain: 6 people

 The Wooden Throne Cut Down to Size But Still Stands Alone.  Other CNRP Leaders Promoted from Plastic Even Without Help from Tioulong Saumura.
Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting and indoor
Image may contain: one or more people, crowd and indoor
Image may contain: 5 people, people on stage and crowd
Kandal Province, 26 April 2017
I may have named-and-shamed away The Thick Wooden Throne... Temporarily or for good, only time will tell. I will vote CNRP IN SPITE of Kem Sokha as will so many others, going against the grain in a lesser-evil decision.
- Theary C. Seng


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Re: ...a lesser-evil decision [ការសំរេចចិត្ត ទៅលើ មួយដែលអាក្រក់តិចជាងមួយ?]

    ជិតពេលបោះឆ្នោត ឆោតឆ្លាតមិនដឹង​ ស្មារតីមិនរឹង នឹងនៅឡើយទេ
    មានមួយក្បត់ជាតិ មួយទៀតភ្លីភ្លើ តើទុកចិត្តជឿ លើមួយណាបាន?
    យោបល់ខ្មែរដិម ពភ្លឹបពភ្លែត ទោះព្រះឬប្រេត យល់ចិត្តគ្រប់ប្រាណ
    ទុក្ខខ្មែរធំណាស់ ព្រះជួយមិនស្រាន្ត ដល់ទីអវសាន ខ្មែរនិងរលាយ។
    មួយជនក្បត់ជាតិ មួយជនល្ងីល្ងើ ​ ប្រព្រឹត្តអំពើ គួរឲ្យសោកស្ដាយ
    សំឡាប់ជាតិឯង ជាតិខ្មែរជិតឆ្ងាយ សែន-សុខា ម្ដាយ ឯងជនជាតិអ្វី?
    ដល់ថ្ងៃបោះឆ្នោត និងជិះតុកតុក ទាំងចិត្តក្ដួលក្ដុក ដូចខ្មែរប្រុសស្រី
    ស៊ីអិនអ័រភី ​​ បោះឲ្យមិនស្ដី បំពេញករណីយ ជាមួយខ្មែរដិម៕


  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Temporarily or for good? Nah, it's permanently for God but then it all changes when Kem Sokha finds a better throne to his liking. Hehehe....

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    ការសំរេចចិត្ត ទៅលើ មួយដែលអាក្រក់តិចជាងមួយ?

    Ok, Kem Sokha's logic is this: I could have ordered a gold throne but I am humble to ONLY sit on the wooden chair. Hehehe....

    1. Anonymous2:49 AM

      That's infantile logic.

  5. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I may have named-and-shamed away The Thick Wooden Throne... Temporarily or for good, only time will tell. I will vote CNRP IN SPITE of Kem Sokha as will so many others, going against the grain in a lesser-evil decision.

    - Theary C. Seng
    That's good. She is not petty but looking at the big picture.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      ah Gunzet, you lost, and you are a sore loser!!!
