Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Saturday, May 20, 2017

[Vietnamization: Environmental destruction, Logging] Global Witness ជំរុញ ​ប្រទេស ស្វីស បិទទ្វារ, បណ្តេញលោក ហ៊ុន​ សែន ​ចេញ ពីវេទិកា សេដ្ឋកិច្ច ពិភពលោក​ | Global Witness urges Switzerland to close the door, kick out Hun Sen from WEF

លោក ហ៊ុន សែន (រូបភាពហ្វេប៊ុកនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី)

Global Witness ជំរុញ ​ប្រទេស ស្វីស បិទទ្វារ, បណ្តេញលោក ហ៊ុន​ សែន ​ចេញ ពីវេទិកា សេដ្ឋកិច្ច ពិភពលោក​

VOD | ១៩ មករា ២០១៧


  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Yuon's puppet Hun Sen enriches himself and his family at the expense of the destitute Khmer people.
    He is a national disgrace !!!

    Not only he should be barred from the WEF, but
    also from Cambodia all together.

    1. Anonymous4:39 AM

      Mr. Hun Sen is China's puppet now a day.

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Anybody's puppet is bad.
    A Khmer being a Yuon's puppet is the worst !!!

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      As if Cambodia has a choice... May I recommend Cambodia to be Laos' puppet?

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      6:11 AM

      Cambodia WILL have a choice.
      After the July election as soon as the CNRP forms its government,
      Cambodia for once will have and charter its own destiny !!!

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      CPP choses to be China's puppet. CNRP will have no choice but to chose to be Thailand's puppet. But Thailand is already China's puppet

      So, it's better off to be Vietnam's puppet ok? Or you want to be Trump's puppet. He will grab you be the ...never mind. lol.

    4. Anonymous3:08 PM

      9:23 AM

      You're really dumb.
      China makes deals with the winner(s).
      After July 2018, the winner will be the CNRP.
      The NEW Khmer government then will not be China's puppet, but China's military allies.
      Then expansionist Vietnam for a change must worry !!!

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Anonymous4:39 AM is a Vietnamese dog eater named Drgunzet who tried to twist another story that Hun Sen is a puppet of China instead of real puppet of Vietnamese/Yuon. China and Chinese government should find and locate this Vietnamese dog eater somewhere and send the rocket into this Yuon/Vietnamese dog eater Drgunzet. That is done.
