Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Sinn Sisamouth and the Songs Originated Abroad (1)


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    ជូនពរ ធារី មាន​សង្សារឬប្ដី​​​​​ ក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗមុនពេលនឹង ក្លាយទៅជា ក្រមុំចាស់ [Old Lady]!

    1. Anonymous4:45 AM

      God save Cambodia because the Viet/YUON/HUN SEN is using everything [from King/Queen/Kingdom/Royal.....every systematic word in the book] as camouflage to cleanse/liquidate the Khmer race...Lord, have mercy!!!

    2. Anonymous4:55 AM

      God has been punishing Khmes for several centuries since the sacking of Angkor by Siamese. If you recognize Vietnamese as the true saviors of the Khmers then the Lord will have mercy.

      Honestly, if you continue to be ungrateful to the Vietnamese (for rescuing you from the jaws of Khmer Rouge), then the Lord will have no mercy on you. I certainly won't. I really hate the ungrateful people.

    3. Anonymous5:09 AM

      4:55 AM,

      God know too DAMNED well - the VIET/YUON is the Khmer killer. Kneel down and swear on your God damned bloody hands and your God damned bloody mother's life and accept that the YUON/VIET had been killing Khmer people for centuries...Khmer Rouge and the Killing Fields were the design of the Viet/YUON communist...Everything else is HISTORY as you God Damned bloody YUON/VIET knows it!!!

    4. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Ok...more punishment then.

    5. Anonymous5:43 AM

      You know too bloody well 5:24 AM that YOUN/VIET and Khmer are like oil and water [got that?], look what the VIET/YUON [Khmer's killer] did to KHMER KROM - the whole world now sees it, understands it. And you come out and say that the VIET/YUON saves Khmer people when the VIET/YUON killed hundreds of thousands of the French and the Americans trying to save you bloody Viet's asses ....

    6. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Khmer Krom (South Vietnam) did not suffer Khmer Rouge thank to Vietnamese. Khmers are better off under Vietnames's protection and rule.

    7. Anonymous10:56 PM

      Yup, you Viet think you can colonize Cambodia. That's why the Khmer Rouge, the Killing Fields and how Khmer is today - hell on earth because of the Viet/YUON!!!
