Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Monday, November 13, 2017

Rainsy’s signing of CNRP statement triggers government threat


Sam Rainsy: សេចក្តីថ្លែងការណ៍ របស់ តំណាងរាស្ត្រ គណបក្ស សង្គ្រោះជាតិ។ Statement by CNRP National Assembly members. [including Sam Rainsy's signature]


មានប្រទេស ចំនួន ១៧៣ ប្រកាស ទទួលស្គាល់ លោក សម រង្ស៊ី ជាតំណាងរាស្ត្រ ស្របច្បាប់ | IPU representing 173 countries recognizes Sam Rainsy as lawful MP

Former opposition leader Sam Rainsy speaks to the media during a press conference in 2014 in Phnom Penh.
Former opposition leader Sam Rainsy speaks to the media during a press conference in 2014 in Phnom Penh. Tang Chhin Sothy/AFP

Rainsy’s signing of CNRP statement triggers government threat

Phnom Penh Post | 10 November 2017

Government officials yesterday threatened legal action over a CNRP statement released on Wednesday that included exiled former opposition leader Sam Rainsy’s signature, saying it violated controversial recent legal amendments – amendments widely believed to have been designed to prevent Rainsy from associating with his former party in the first place. 

Though the original statement by 43 CNRP lawmakers, which laid out seven points including a call for jailed party President Kem Sokha’s release, did not bear Rainsy’s signature, a slightly tweaked version uploaded to the former party president’s Facebook page included his name and signature added at the end. 

Ruling party and government officials yesterday said that the document violated new amendments to the Law on Political Parties – legislation that has been amended by the Cambodian People’s Party three times this year to the detriment of the CNRP – which disallow parties from associating with convicted criminals. Rainsy has numerous convictions to his name in a host of politically tinged cases.

“If a convict attaches himself to the activities of the party, the party has to reject it and announce immediately to distance themselves from the convict,” said CPP spokesman Sok Eysan.
Statement signed by Sam Rainsy.
Statement signed by Sam Rainsy. Facebook
Last week, Rainsy appeared in a Facebook video alongside CNRP lawmakers asking that a Senate candidate list approved by Sokha be ignored because it was signed under duress – an appearance that would violate other new provisions in the Political Parties Law banning the use of the image or voice of a convicted criminal. 

“This means that what Sam Rainsy has done will not help the CNRP but push it towards dissolution because the mistakes keep coming up and are serious, which will face the law,” Eysan added. 

The opposition is already facing possible dissolution at the hands of the Supreme Court over purported “treasonous” activities, and Sokha is currently in jail on treason charges for saying he received political advice from the US.

Ministry of Interior official Pol Sam Oeun said a notice would be sent to the party requesting clarification on the matter. 

However, while not directly addressing why he posted the amended document, Rainsy said he did not care if it would be used as a “ludicrous pretext” to dissolve the opposition party. He maintained that the dissolution of the CNRP would bring about Prime Minister Hun Sen’s “inevitable downfall”, and that the premier “will not dare” to take that step.


  1. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Cambodia's laws reside totally on Ah Lngit Lngoung Hun Sen's mouth.
    Therefore, to change Cambodia's laws, we need to change Ah Kwack Hun Sen's mouth.

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Just crush them. I am really fed up with the cheap act by Scam Rainsy. He is just trying to be important and relevant. He has always been causing more harm than good.

    In the past, he demanded President Obama not to visit Cambodia and then went on to accuse him to legitimize a brutal, beast regime of a ex-Khmer-Rouge commander, Mr. Hun Sen. That's why no US president would even bother to mention his name.

    He called for EU to boycott garment from Cambodia. When the Cambodian garment workers bitterly complained against such reckless action affecting their already hard lives, Scam Rainsy said, "I was only kidding, just to scare Mr. Hun Sen in negotiation."

    Oh man, what a joker!

  3. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Ah Kantorb Sok Ey San,
    Your party law is a Porng Kdor law, not working in the real life.
    Therefore, ignoring your Porng Kdor law is the right thing to do.
