Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Thugs in Civilian Clothes and Red Kerchief Cracking Down on Democracy Square

ពួកក្រុម កន្សែងក្រហម ជាអ្វី?  ម៉េចដើរវ៉ាយគេនៅតាមទីលានប្រជាធិបតេយ្យបាន? ហើយអាពួកប៉ូលីសមិនចាត់ការពួកវាដែរ? ពួកនេះសំលាប់គេហើយហេតុអីបានជាពួកអាប៉ូលីសខ្មែរមិនចាប់ទៅ? ក្រែងថាប៉ូលីសជាអ្នករក្សាសន្តិសុខប្រទេសនោះអី? ឬក៏បានតែរក្សាពួកមានអំណាច? -  បណ្តាញសង្គម/Social Network


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Why these Khmer so different? Where are they coming from? Don't they love the country? Hope soon we will get our MOTHERLAND back. May GOD bless and help Khmer please. So sad to see Khmer in trouble for so so long. I can't sleep.

  2. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Dear all Khmer,

    Don’t panic.

    Believe in our unity.

    Believe in our million Khmer unities.

    Believe in Khmer people power.

    As long as million Khmer stick together all together we can beat Hun Sen and his thugs.

    As long as million Khmer stick together Hun Sen armed force is rubbish.

    As long as million Khmer stick together Hun Sen gun armed mobile vehicle is rubbish.

    So as long as we stick together as ones big sticks all together we all can bring this criminal Hun Sen to face justice , to face ICC for so many crimes committed by Hun Sen and his thugs.

    Bravo! Khmer unity!

    Down criminal Hun Sen!

    Down yuon Hanoi dog Hun Sen!
