Paris Peace Accords 23 Oct. 1991

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Individual responsibility

It's not often I offer worldly advice, largely because I'm in no position to be dispensing it. Each of us has responsibility for what we do, where we end up and how we live our lives. And that's my point. 

Strangest thing, but accepting that we are responsible for our lives is a powerful and often scary concept. The first step in realizing a dream is accepting that it is you - and only you - can make it happen. You can either plan your journey to where you want to be, or you can decide that it's all too much hassle and stay put. Either is OK.

What's not OK is for apathy to prevent you making a choice.
Apathy leads to cynicism, cynicism leads to bitterness and before you know it, it's too late and you're a bitter old bore who "could have been somebody if only (add excuse here)".

I have seen such brilliance from children that have every reason to curl up and decry the world as brutal and unfair. When they rise above their circumstances, embracing their responsibility and succeeding beyond all measure, then what does that say about us?

Your present circumstances are simply your starting point; it has no bearing on where you end up. That's up to you.

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